Credit Union Job Network

Best Solutions for High Risk Merchants

About Us

About is the web hub of recruiting activity in the credit union industry in Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Kansas, and Utah. It is designed and managed by the Human Resources Services division of Strategic Partners. It is intended to serve the employment advertising needs of credit unions as they reach out to job seekers looking for employment and career opportunities.

About Strategic Partners
Strategic Partners is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mountain West Credit Union Association, organized as a for-profit corporation, thereby enabling the Association to remain a non-profit corporation. All for-profit services obtained through the trade association are delivered through Strategic Partners. Working together through Strategic Partners, credit unions gain the value of being able to purchase services together and create programs to enable them to save considerable time and money for their organizations and their credit union members. Some of these services are provided directly by staff of Strategic Partners. Others services are provided as a result of our group buying power, at reduced rates, through our business partners. Association dues are not channeled to Strategic Partners in any way. Through cooperation, credit unions can access tools and programs to improve service levels for their members and enhance operational efficiencies.

About the Mountain West Credit Union Association
The Mountain West Credit Union Association is the regional trade association representing 132 member credit unions and 3.1 million credit union members throughout Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming. Mountain West serves and supports member credit unions through advocacy, communications, community outreach, education & training, operational assistance, public affairs, and regulatory compliance assistance. For more information regarding credit unions and the Credit Union Association, please call 720.479.3200 or 800.477.1697.

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